List of Merchant POS Codes (Useful for understanding decline transactions while carding)

Fifty Cent®

✨ Dumps Seller ✨
Advanced Vendor
Dec 18, 2016
00 Approved authorization/transaction
01 Call
02 Refer card to issuer
03 Invalid division code
04 Pickup
05 Do not honor
06 Other error
08 Approved, honor with ID
10 Default call
11 Approved VIP approval
12 Invalid Transaction Type
13 Bad amount
14 Invalid credit card number
15 Default call Low fraud
16 Default call Medium fraud
17 Default call High fraud
18 Default call Fraud service unavailable
19 Re-enter transaction
20 Credit floor Low fraud
21 Credit floor Medium fraud
22 Credit floor High fraud
23 Credit floor Fraud service unavailable
24 Validated Approved None
25 Verified Approved None
26 Pre-noted Approved None
27 No reason to decline Decline Cust.
28 Received and stored Approved None
29 Provided Auth Approved None
30 Invalid field data
31 Request received Approved None
32 BIN Alert Approved None
33 Card expired
34 Approved for partial Approved None
35 Zero Amount Error Fix
36 Bad Total Auth amount Error Fix
37 Invalid Secure Payment Data Error Fix
38 Merchant not MC SecureCode Enabled Decline Call
40 Requested function not supported
41 Lost/Stolen
43 Stolen card
50 Positive ID
52 Processor decline
56 Restraint
58 Transaction type not permitted
59 Soft AVS
60 Do not honor Low fraud
61 Do not honor Medium fraud
62 Do not honor High fraud
63 Do not honor Fraud service unavailable
64 CVV2 Failure
65 Invalid Security Code
66 Other error
68 Invalid credit card number
69 Card does not support method of payment
71 No account
72 Invalid institution code
73 Unauthorized user
74 Invalid card expired
75 Bad amount
77 Bad amount
78 Missing companion data
79 Invalid merchant
80 Invalid method of payment for division
81 Call Low fraud
82 Call Medium fraud
83 Call High fraud
84 Call Fraud service unavailable
85 Duplicate order number
86 Auth down, recycle auth.
87 Invalid currency
88 Invalid P-card 3
89 Credit floor
91 Approved Low fraud
92 Approved Medium fraud
93 Approved High fraud
94 Approved Fraud service unavailable
95 Invalid Data Type Error Fix
96 Invalid Record Sequence Error Fix
97 Percents Not Total 100 Error Fix
98 Issuer Unavailable
99 No answer from host
A1 Payments Not Total Order Error Fix
A2 Bad Order Number Error Fix
A3 FPO Locked Error Wait
A4 FPO Not Allowed Error Call
A5 Auth Amount Wrong Error Fix
A6 Illegal Action Error Fix
A8 Invalid Start Date Error Fix
A9 Invalid Issue Number Error Fix
B1 Invalid Transaction Type Error Fix
B5 Not on file Decline Fix
B7 Fraud Decline Cust.
B8 Bad Debt Decline Cust.
B9 On Negative File Decline Cust.
C1 Invalid Issuer Decline Cust.
C2 Invalid Response Code Decline Fix
C3 Excessive Pin Try Decline Cust.
C4 Over Limit Decline Cust.
C5 Over Freq Limit Decline Cust.
C6 Over Sav limit Decline Cust.
C7 Over Sav Freq Decline Cust.
C8 Over Credit limit Decline Cust.
C9 Over Credit Freq Decline Cust.
D1 Invalid For Credit Decline Fix
D2 Invalid For Debit Decline Fix
D3 Rev Exceed Withdrawal Decline Cust.
D4 One Purchasing Limit Decline Cust.
D5 On Negative File Decline Cust.
D6 Changed Field Decline Fix
D7 Insufficient Funds Decline Cust.
D8 Encrypted Data Bad Decline Fix
D9 Altered Data Decline Fix
E3 Invalid Prefix Decline Fix
E4 Invalid Institution Decline Fix
E5 Invalid Cardholder Decline Fix
E6 BIN Block Decline Fix
E7 Stored Approved None
E8 Invalid Transit Routing Number Error Fix
E9 Unknown Transit Routing Number Error Fix
F1 Missing Name Error Fix
F2 Invalid Account Type Error Fix
F3 Account Closed Error Cust.
F4 No Account / Unable To Locate Error Fix
F5 Account holder Deceased Error Cust.
F6 Beneficiary Deceased Error Cust.
F7 Account Frozen Error Cust.
F8 Customer Opt Out Error Cust.
F9 ACH Non-Participant Error Cust.
G1 No Pre-note Error Fix
G2 No Address Error Fix
G3 Invalid Account Number Error Fix
G4 Authorization Revoked by Consumer Error Cust.
G5 Customer Advises Not Authorized Error Cust.
G6 Invalid CECP Action Code Error Fix
G7 Invalid Account Format Error Fix
G8 Bad Account Number Data Error Fix
G9 No Capture Decline N/A
H1 No Credit Function Decline N/A
H2 No Debit Function Decline N/A
H3 Rev Exceed Withdrawal Decline Cust.
H4 Changed Field Decline N/A
H5 Terminal Not Owned Decline N/A
H6 Invalid Time Decline Fix
H7 Invalid Date Decline Fix
H8 Invalid Terminal Number Decline Fix
H9 Invalid PIN Decline Fix
J1 No Manual Key Decline Fix
J2 Not Signed In Decline Fix
J3 Excessive Pin Try Decline Cust.
J4 No DDA Decline Fix
J5 No SAV Decline Fix
J6 Excess DDA Decline Cust.
J7 Excess DDA FREQ Decline Cust.
J8 Excess SAV Decline Cust.
J9 Excess SAV FREQ Decline Cust.
K1 Excess Card Decline Cust.
K2 Excess Card Freq Decline Cust.
K3 Reserved Future Decline N/A
K4 Reserved Closing Decline N/A
K5 Dormant Decline Cust.
K6 NSF Decline Cust.
K7 Future RD Six Decline N/A
K8 Future RD Seven Decline N/A
K9 Transaction Code Conflict Decline Fix
L1 In Progress Decline Wait
L2 Process Unavailable Error Resend
L3 Invalid Expiration Error Fix
L4 Invalid Effective Error Fix
L5 Invalid Issuer Decline Fix
L6 Tran not allowed for cardholder Decline Cust.
L7 Unable to Determine Network Routing Error Call
L8 System Error Error Call
L9 Database Error Error Call
M1 Merchant Override Decline Decline Cust.
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